Legal Profession Admission Board


​​​​​Online Admission Portal​

To apply for admission as a lawyer, you will need to sign up to use the online Admission Portal.

Guide for Applic​ants​​​

Before you apply for admission as a lawyer, you should read the Guide for Applicants for Admission as a Lawyer​.

Update your web browser or enable JavaScript and cookies

Before using the online Admission Portal you should:

update your web browser to its latest version, or
enable JavaScript and cookies.

If you fail to do either, you may not see all questions in the online admission application form, which may result in you registering an incomplete application.

Users of Apple products such as MacBooks should access the online Admission Portal with Google’s Chrome web browser, rather than with the Safari web browser.

Avoid accessing the Admission Portal on a mobile phone

​​We recommend that you do not attempt to complete the online admission application form using a mobile phone.  Depending on your device, some questions may not display correctly, leading to the risk that you will register an incomplete application form.

Access the online Admission Portal